
Evolutionary Business Design

I didn’t think numbers mattered

I never thought that numbers mattered that much. You might not either if you are more of a right brain than left brain person.

After all, I was creative and good at what I did and, if I just focussed on that, then the money would flow, right?

Only it didn’t…

I spent a lot of years in several different businesses just doing what I loved… and it kind of worked.

I made a better-than-average hourly rate, I had my work distributed around the world, work was interesting and varied, I had good repeat business and word of mouth marketing and thought I was getting somewhere.

But, truthfully, I had a job and if I added up all the hours I actually worked, not just the time I billed clients for, I was making a pittance. I could earn more working for a boss. Only I didn’t want to. I wanted “freedom”.

That freedom came at a high price financially, physically and emotionally. I became very good at belting down a few glasses of wine at the end of the day and pacing until I calmed down. I lost sleep wondering where the next dollar and next client was coming from.

Now, I’m not advocating that this is the ideal way to run a business – far from it in fact! But it’s a familiar story isn’t it?

Over time, I got better at it… as you do. But not until I’d made some pretty costly mistakes… as you do.

I’d like to say that the process of awakening was like a bolt of lightning. But it wasn’t. I just had a few key insights that made me think differently and do things differently – and they didn’t all come at once – although I wish they had – I would have got here faster.


  1. It didn’t matter how “good” I was or how “good” the product was, if I didn’t get good at marketing I was going nowhere.
  2. Marketing aside, the thing my business sold was probably the least important thing in terms of sustainability and financial success and I didn’t have a clue about numbers.
  3. I was never going to make the kind of money I dreamed of unless I got serious about the “money side” of business. I needed to learn stuff I wasn’t particularly keen on – in fact I thought financial management and business management was dry, dusty and boring. (Maybe it was the way it was being taught!)
  4. I had to stop thinking about myself as “self-employed” and start becoming a “business owner”
  5. I was not an island – it was lonely in there trying to do it all myself and putting myself under immense pressure. I needed to reach out for help.

So, long story short, I learnt it, I made changes – not all at once, but gradually – and things started to get better and better. Like compounding interest, the sooner you start, the more it multiplies with less effort from you. Financial management was NOT my joy – and not my strength – or so I thought. But I did stick with it.

And THAT’S why when I became a coach I wanted to teach people how to get the very best from their business, to make the kind of money they really wanted. In plain simple language, the way I learnt it.

How you run your business is completely your call. If the “Money Side” is something you’ve promised yourself you’ll get better at one day, then maybe this is your opportunity. “IT” won’t come to you – you have to make an effort but it will be worth it.

If you feel your Business could use some better financial management you might like the MONEY MASTERCLASS. It has a Money Back Guarantee.

If this rings bells for you, I’ll see you there.


PS: More info and book here for The Money Masterclass – Friday 29th July

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